Above-Ground Inspection and Integrity Services for Unpiggable Pipelines

Alternative methods for assessing the integrity condition of a pipeline

Integrity management of unpiggable pipelines remains a significant challenge for all operators. Often, these pipelines can be made piggable using customized and innovative in-line inspection (ILI) approaches. However, there is a need for alternatives when assessing the integrity condition of a pipeline where conventional in-line inspection methods are not feasible or a preliminary screening of the pipeline is required to justify subsequent inspection efforts.

Your benefits of our above-ground inspection and integrity services

Icon: Pipeline with anomalies and a magnifying glass.

Identification of the most severe defect location to target inspection efforts

Icon: Pipeline with three arrows coming out of it.

No disruption to pipeline operations

Icon showing a magnifying glass with a plus sign on the right side.

Increased Probability of Detection (POD) through combined inspection techniques

Icon that represents artificial intelligence

ROSEN's Integrity Data Warehouse allows for prediction of pipeline conditions

Icon of a sign with a winning ribbon in it that has a check mark in center.

Standards compliance, including ISO 22974 and NACE direct assessment methodologies

ROSEN employee is doing a Large Stan-Off Magnetometry (LM) measurement in front of a skyline.

LSM is a non-intrusive, above-ground inspection technique that identifies stress anomalies in the pipeline and enhances direct assessment. LSM provides a comprehensive assessment of significant pipeline integrity threats, such as corrosion, dents and gouges, bending and ground movement, without disrupting pipeline operations. Any defect in a pipeline that raises or causes a change in the pipeline's natural stress state is possible to detect. LSM can also be used for custom applications such as detailed pipeline mapping, depth of cover surveys, change monitoring, and pig tracking.

The data obtained from LSM can be combined with other complementary survey techniques such as:

  • Close Interval Protection Survey (CIPS) 
  • Direct or Alternating Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG / ACVG)
  • Current Attenuation (CAT) 
  • Flow modeling and internal corrosion assessments
  • LiDAR or satellite imagery

Download our Large Stand-Off Magnetometry Inspection Service specifications and learn more

Picture of an excavated, single-layer polyethylene (PE) tape pipe with a coating defect where the coating is easily detached and visible slight surface corrosion.

CIPS is one of the inspection methods used to assess the integrity of cathodic protection systems. During a CIPS, measurements of the pipe-to-soil potential are taken at regular, closely spaced intervals (often less than one meter apart) along the length of the pipeline. The data collected helps to identify areas where the pipeline is not adequately protected or where there might be coating defects.

DCVG or ACVG are both used to inspect the condition of cathodic protection systems and locate and evaluate potential coating defects. Both methods are based on the measurement of voltage gradients in the surrounding soil and are essential techniques in the maintenance and integrity management of pipelines. They help ensure that coating defects are promptly identified and repaired to prevent corrosion. 

Back view of a female employee working at a computer an looking at data regarding one specific pipeline.

Non-Intrusive Pipeline Assessment (NIPA) is an above-ground integrity analysis approach for unpiggable pipelines that integrates and overlays pipeline data obtained from construction and operational records, large stand-off magnetometry (LSM) surveys, cathodic protection (CP) monitoring and geographic information systems (GIS).

Overlaying multiple data sets increases confidence in anomaly detection and provides contextual insight into stress raisers both internally and externally. By identifying root causes and potential hotspots, the service helps to optimize excavation activities and prioritize NDT inspection efforts.

NIPA can be tailored to a pipeline's unique requirements, ensuring adaptability and effectiveness in addressing specific challenges. Depending on what operators need, our services range from:

  • Above-ground pipeline inspection 
  • Complete assessment of pipeline condition by integrating multiple data sets to identify and characterize internal and external defects
  • Holistic integrity management, including in-field verification services and development of integrity management plans 

Predictive analytics as part of Non-Intrusive Pipeline Assessment

Predictive analytics can help reduce uncertainty in the assessment process by combining multiple datasets from other pipelines to benchmark their condition and enable predictions on future behavior. This helps operators to prioritize and target inspection efforts.

ROSEN’s Integrity Data Warehouse (IDW) contains an expanding number of historical pipeline datasets including information on in-line inspection (ILI), design, construction, environment, operations, and surveys. 

This database allows us to leverage supervised machine learning to predict the behavior and benchmark the condition of uninspected pipelines to a global population of pipelines that have been inspected in the past. 

As part of the Non-intrusive Pipeline Assessment (NIPA), predictive analytics provides  contextual insights into the size, number, and severity of defects and compares these to the findings of the above-ground inspection to validate its effectiveness and confirm that the expected defects have been found.

Graphical comparison of several inspected pipelines and a single uninspected pipeline with an arrow from the several to the one and the text "supervised machine learning."

Discover more

Watch the video and learn more about ROSEN's Integrity Data Warehouse: