In-line Inspection Services for Unpiggable Pipelines

Solutions. Because we can.

Expertise, flexibility and understanding of pipeline systems are the fundamentals needed to successfully inspect challenging pipelines. Our Technical Solution Specialists will sit down with you to understand the circumstances that make your pipeline challenging and use this information to create customized solutions tailored to meet your needs.

Each challenging pipeline requires a unique and tailored in-line inspection approach. For this reason, our expert can choose from a variety of ILI inspection methods to ensure minimal impact on production during the inspection.

Your benefits of our unpiggable pipeline solutions

Icon: Pipeline with three arrows coming out of it.

Maximizing uptime and increasing throughput

Icon: Sign with right symbol in front of it.

Complying with safety standards and regulations

Icon: Infinity loop, where the right loop is larger because it contains clock hands.

Extending asset lifetime

Icon: Two hands holding a globe.

Safeguarding the environment

Icon: Chrystal ball that reflects light on a platform.

Optimizing maintenance processes

Part of a free-swimming tool on a metal table.

Customized solutions for optimal inspection of challenging pipelines

Individually tailored free-swimming solutions are pumped through a pipeline just like any other traditional ILI tool. However, these solutions are modified or completely redesigned to meet the challenges of your pipeline.

Advantages of free-swimming in-line inspections

  • Inspection can be performed while the pipeline is in operation
  • Multiple services can be delivered with one run
  • Flexible method that allows for single or bidirectional inspections
  • Suitable for a wide range of pressure and flow conditions
  • Able to navigate through diameter changes, back-to-back bends and wall thickness variations
Tethered tool before it goes into a pipeline, with a ROSEN experts in orange and blue overalls inspecting it, with more white Pipelines and tanks in the background.

Self-propelled with real-time data transfer and energy supply

Tethered tools use an umbilical cable or tether for real-time data transfer and energy supply that powers the movement of the inspection system. They can be remotely controlled in both forward and backward motion as well as stopped in a controlled manner. The system can not only collect data while moving in the pipeline, but also while stationary, enabling inspection services with technologies such as time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD).

Advantages of tethered or umbilical in-line inspections

  • Live tether, which provides unlimited power supply and transmits real-time data
  • Remotely controlled crawler module
  • Tether is part of the fail-safe mechanism of the solution
  • The inspection system allows for combining technologies
  • Seam and girth welds can be inspected in detail thanks to stop-and-go capabilities

Download our tethered ultrasonic in-line inspection service specifications and learn more

Robotic with a lens in front.

Self-propelled systems with built-in intelligence

Robotic in-line inspection systems incorporate their own power source and drive units. Additionally, their self-propelled systems have built-in intelligence that enables them to make autonomous decisions, taking into account the environment they are in and the mission they are set to accomplish.

Advantages of robotic in-line inspections

  • Wide range of services can be applied, i.e. metal loss, geometry, cracks, etc.
  • Operates at low pressure and/or flow or no flow (out-of-service)
  • Real-time visualization of collected data (with tether)
  • Requires less human interaction
  • Inspection can be performed while the pipeline is in operation

Any questions on our tethered or umbilical inspection solutions?

Let us know how we can help you and one of our sales or support representative will get in touch with you shortly. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

Discover more

Watch our video and learn more about our toolbox approach for unpiggable pipelines.

The ROSEN Toolbox